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At All Hallows Catholic High School, we are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children. We expect everyone to share this commitment.
Please click to view our Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy
Mrs Cooper: Headteacher
Mrs Kitto: Safeguarding Governor
We have 3 Designated Safeguarding Leads at All Hallows, who receive specialist training to provide tailored interventions to pupils and families who may need that support. The DSLs are:
Mrs Washington: Assistant Headteacher: Designated Safeguarding Lead: jwa@allhallows.lancs.sch.uk
Miss R Taylor: Pastoral Support Assistant and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead: rta@allhallows.lancs.sch.uk
Mr Finch: Head of PE and Backup Designated Safeguarding Lead: dfi@allhallows.lancs.sch.uk
Mrs Cooper: Headteacher and Backup Designated Safeguarding Lead: aco@allhallows.lancs.sch.uk
Our DSLs are familiar with not only the pastoral issues that can affect young people and families, but also local, contextual issues that may currently be affecting our community. We work closely with outside agencies to put in the appropriate level of support for families who may need it. If you are concerned about a child, please contact the school on 01772 746121 or contact one of our DSLs by email. If it is outside of school hours, or holiday time, please contact Lancashire Childrens’ Social Care on 0300 1236720.
- Any allegation should be reported immediately to the Headteacher/DSL.
- If the concerns are about the Headteacher, please inform the Chair of Governors or any other nominated safeguarding teacher / governor.
- If the concerns are about a professional, please contact the LADO on 01772 536694 or go to lado.admin@lancshire.gov.uk
- If you are concerned about a child out of school hours, please contact Lancashire Childrens’ Services on 0300 123 6720
Child on Child Abuse
You may have seen recent news reports on “Child on Child abuse” and “harmful sexual behaviour in schools”. Whilst this may seem alarming, at All Hallows we adopt an “it could happen here” attitude to safeguarding our young people. HSB and Child on Child abuse can be a sensitive topic to talk to young people about, but as a school we do our best to be pro-active in asking our young people to talk about this and ask them to report any concerns to their teachers or a trusted adult. There is a link below to some useful parent information about talking to your child about this issue.